Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Skate classes

I've posted the adult skating class cirriculum in the sidebar, since it seems to differ from rink to rink. I wish adults could do the Basic level courses since they have more jumps and spins (I LOVE to spin!). There is also a link to where I got my info.

Not much skating this week due to night shifts, a job interview, and staff meeting. Oh, and Harry Potter 5 in IMAX 3D :)

For readers who have blogs, feel free to leave a comment with your link. I will add you to my links list. :)


Gordon said...

A quick comparison says it's the USFSA Basic Adult curriculum, except it looks like they are omitting inside 3s.

Anonymous said...

What sensible people - omitting inside 3s!!

Amanda said...

I thought the same as Jane :) Although, getting there with them now!

It is quite different to the Skate UK - particularly in that you do backward crossovers before backward chasse's? In the UK, the chasse's are used as a lead-up to crossovers.

Anonymous said...

Yes - it is interesting that the US have a separate program for adults whereas the Skate UK is the same for all ages. I actually think that some things are quite challenging for adults - thinking lunges here!! However Skate UK does not include pivots which I think it shouid. I would really like to do these - so any tips gratefully received Kim.

Amanda said...

What is a pivot?

Gordon said...

A pivot is where you dig one toepick into the ice and then pivot on it while pushing with the other foot.

I learned 2-foot spin with a pivot entry, it's fairly common. You just do a pivot and then drop off the toepick and spin.