Monday, July 2, 2007

No class today, but plenty of practice time.

There's no class today due to the 4th of July coming up., so I just went to the rink for an hour to practice. My RBO edge is coming along nicely, but the LBO needs more work. In my last class, we learned a two-foot spin, which is SO much fun!! I'm working more one that, and since my RBO edge is working, I can now somewhat exit my spin. I am getting much more confident skating backwards, and backwards one foot glides are just about as easy as forward one foot glides. I seem to be getting into shape too - my husband commented on my figure the other day. :)

Skating is also encouraging me to eat better and take multi-vitamins. More fruits and veggies and less soda and candy.

I am considering taking private lessons, maybe once every two weeks to supplement my weekly classes. I feel that I need help with correct posture and arm position, as well as edges. I think edges are going to be something I can always improve on.

I am also considering joining the figure skating club at the rink. Not sure if this is something I should do now, or wait until I am close to testing. As of right now, I am still far far away from being able to test.

Lessons resume next week, and surprisingly, the rink is open on July 4. Maybe I'll take advantage of the holiday and skate when there are less people.


Amanda said...

Nice to see another adult figure skater! I will be reading your blog with interest.

I am a fairly newbie adult figure skater in England and will be shortly starting private lessons, having got about three quarters of through our Learn to Skate equivalent.

Anonymous said...

Nice to meet you! and welcome to my blog! :)

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