Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Practice, Practice, and Pronation

No group lessons this week. Starting Adult 3 on Monday (guess i should hurry up and pay my money!)

Practiced pivots, two-foot spins, and edgework. I attempted some more forward inside mohawks, but I must be leaning too much on my back inside edge because I nearly go into a spin! Considering only 5 minutes was spent on mohawks during the last class, I'm going to bet that I just need some more instruction.

WHEEE!!! I can't believe how much I love to spin. I wish I could spin all day and not get dizzy! My best spin had about 6 revolutions. I'm even starting to experiment with arm positions - behind the back, above my head - just to see what I can do. Too bad spins aren't really part of the Adult class cirriculum.

Other things practiced:

Forward Crossovers: No longer falling going CW. CW still weaker than CCW, but becoming more fluid. Leg extension improving with both directions. Gotta bend the knee!!

Backwards edges: Coming along, but not 100% consistent. Still have instances where doing half-swizzles on the hockey circle, then attempt either the LBO or RBO edge, only to find I'm going straight and the hockey circle is getting farther and farther away...wait!! Come back!!! I know my edge is there!! A quick analysis of my weight distribution and posture usually presents better results with the next attempt.

Spiral: ummm....I can picture it in my head beautifully!! I need to get flexible. My leg is nowhere near where it needs to be. Balance is OK though.

BXO's: Not as scared anymore to try these. Easier going CW. Due to limited instruction, I want to wait until we go over this more in class before I teach myself the wrong technique.

OUCH! My Right skate is giving me grief!!! I am having consistent pain on the outer side of the ball of my foot, but only when skating. FYI: My right foot is pronated much more then the left. Any suggestions on how to help stop the pain??


Anonymous said...

6 revs on a spin is great! after 3 years, i rarely manage such!

for spirals, the clincher with most of us is not flexibility as much as back strength, which you've already mentioned as a problem for you. (think irina - she can pull her leg up into a bielman, but doesn't have the strength to get it above hip height unsupported). another incentive for pilates!


Gordon said...

I make sure to stretch every time I skate, at least once (usually more, but wait 'til you are warmed up) to improve my flexibility. This from a 40+ year old guy! It has helped a lot.

Pain at the end of the ball of your foot probably doesn't have anything to do with pronation, it's usually a boot fit issue. If your boots are already broken in and you still have this issue you can get your pro shop to punch 'em out for you. If they are not broken in yet that's usually one of the places that hurts :-(.