Friday, July 6, 2007

"do you teach lessons?"

I was at the public skate session yesterday and a couple of kids asked me if I taught lessons... I must either dress like some of the instructors, or my skating is better than I thought! LOL... (I was only working on forward stroking and RFO, LFO edges.)

I asked the kids if they had questions about something and explained that I am taking lessons. I helped them out on two foot glides and doing backward swizzles. It was fun, but it distracted me a little from working on by backwards edges.

I know I don't have a lot of readers yet, but if anyone has any suggestions about skating on RBO and LBO edges, it would be greatly appreciated! I think I've finally convinced my husband to take pictures of me at the rink, so I should have some pics up soon. I'm sure if I could see myself skate I could fix half of my problem moves.

What I worked on at the rink yesterday:

*FXO (forward cross-overs) are looking better. CCW seems very rhythmic and smooth, and I'm at least not falling going CW.
*I'm attempting BXO's and I'm actually getting somewhere...and with a lot of power. My whole body alignment is off though, especially shoulders. Maybe I'll just put this move on the bench for now until I have a formal class or lesson about it.
*Two foot spin: great fun, as long as I stay on the sweet spot of my skates. I get dizzy easily, and have only attempted the spin going CCW.
*Forward stroking - I've got this down! yay!
*RFO, LFO edges: Looking much better than a couple of weeks ago.


Amanda said...

I have put your blog on my "blog roll" so hopefully you might get a few more visitors that way

I can also recommend
if you haven't come across it yet - very helpful people if you have a question.

I don't have any specific tips - rather stupidly (I always thought), you do backward edges after 3turns, which of course you exit on . . . a BO or BI! I've not had any problems with the actual edges, its more about making sure the weight is on the right part of the blade with me (I was told on the ball of my foot).

Gordon said...

It can be tricky to really get your weight over enough for BO edges. I don't have any magic bullets for it either.

As for people thinking you're a coach... it seems to happen to most adult skaters at some point (my response was "if I were a coach I'd skate a lot better!"). I think it's because there aren't many adults out there to begin with, and most of the ones that are are not doing anything other than stroking.

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