Friday, August 17, 2007

"It was a dark and stormy night..."

The public session I attended this week was more crowded than usual, and very dark. There was a power outage and only a few dim lights were lighting the rink. It was great! Very different than what I'm used to, but fun.

Practiced more mohawks and BO and BI edges. They are coming along at glacier pace, but still improving. Crossovers felt better, but I did have a heck of a fall. My legs were too close together when crossing and I caught my blades and fell on my hip. I actually heard a "thud"! LOL!!! But then I got right back up and tried again. Some kids nearby looked horrified when I fell, but that just shows how strong I am with getting right back up. :)

Saw one guy at the rink who I swear was my biology professor from five years ago. He was pretty good too!

There was also a young skater (maybe early teens) who was practicing double jumps and spins. she would whiz right past me with remarkable force, and the jumps were so powerful! She landed one about three feet from me and I could not believe how much strength and force was exerted with the jump. Truly amazing. I know I want to jump, but I'll have to get into much better shape to do it well.

I've been a bit frustrated with my RFI mohawk, so while I was on dry land, I tried to go through the motions of the mohawk. I first did a LFI (my good side) and then a RFI. I realized I am not rotating my free leg enough, resulting in losing balance and falling forward whne I switch feet. I'll try to get it right on dry land and see how things go at the rink tomorrow.

I'll be starting a skating notebook to take to the rink, and will work diligently on my edges, using very helpful tips from fellow skaters. Thanks to everyone who has helped me out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you don't need more than 45 degree turnout for inside mohawks. most people have problems with the *upper* body, not the feet. ask you coach to look at your upper body/shoulders - if you are doing a L to R mohawk, you start skating forward on LFI edge, L arm in front. as you position yourself to go to RBI, you want to turn your torso slightly in towards the circle, but you have *yank* that L shoulder back - and as you put down the R foot, make sure L shoulder and L hip are *strongly* checked. practice the strong checking off ice as well, not just the feet.