Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Class Cancelled

Class this week was cancelled. The rink was overbooked and high school hockey got the rink instead... >:(

No word on whether or not class will be rescheduled. I will be skating tonight though, at the public session, and one of my classmates may be there as well. She's really good controlling at her edges, so I hope I can learn a few tricks from her.

So I've decided to post video....It was only me recording, so there is a delay in actually seeing me skate. And a hockey guy skated right in front of me when I did my mohawk, so it is difficult to see. I can't get the second video to load but I will try again later.


Gordon said...

Your BXOs are looking pretty good! Nice cross.

Amanda said...

Enjoyed the video Kim! Like Gordon, I thought your BXO's looked good!

I can't stand the thought of being video'd at the moment . . . :)

CoupDeGlace said...

I just found your blog the other day, and since I've just started skating myself I've enjoyed reading through it thus far!

Great video. As a beginner I couldn't help but sympathize with the poor guy who fell in the background toward the end of your video!

NIUiceprincess said...

excellent idea with taping yourself. i think i should start doing that (get my fiance to do it), as i know it will help spot mistakes or clean up my jumps (currently doing the salchow and toe loop).